Engaging employees – create a digital scrapbook

Increasingly more employees are working from home and there is less connection between the coworkers. This dispersed work-environment requires a working intranet to bring a cohesion among the workers. More creative ways such as company digital scrapbook are used to engage employees and increase togetherness at the workplace.

Intranet as a tool to share and communicate

Company intranet is a good tool to increase the communication between the company and the employee. Furthermore, it enhances the connectivity of the coworkers. Using Omnia intranet employees can operate smart tools to share information about their work tasks and schedules. The Omnia intranet is suitable for every company, small or large. And in addition to sharing work-related topics, it can also be used to enhance employee engagement.

Artistic flare bringing coworkers together

Some companies are finding more creative ways to entice employees to stay connected to their workplace: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-04-05/companies-want-staff-to-work-in-office-and-giving-jobs-perks/103646842 and to create a more open environment. Having a company Intranet that is accessible to everybody improves the communication channels and it can also be used creatively to enhance the togetherness of coworkers.

Scrapbooking is a widespread hobby that is engaging and involving. A digital scrapbook can be a similar experience, and it enables more people to take part in the process. When a company creates their own scrapbook, it allows all employees to participate, and it creates more cohesion between the coworkers. The company intranet can be used to distribute photos and shared memories to be added to the company scrapbook and to be admired by all coworkers and employees throughout the company. The company digital scrapbook also creates a topic to discuss among workers when they meet.

Why You Should Start Framing Your Scrapbooks

Scrapbooking is a popular craft that peaked in the early 2000s. With technological advances that have seen many people turn to phone and cloud storage options, scrapbooking is still a cherished way of saving treasured memories.

When you embark on any scrapbook creation process, your goal is always to combine a set of visual elements within some defined space, mostly some canvas. Canvas edges define your scrapbook, and the nature of the boundary greatly influences how viewers interact with your photos.

Adding Frames to Your Scrapbook

Frames are primarily used to orient the viewers’ minds. With the BGA store offering tons of picture frames and other photo accessories, incorporating a premium frame will leave a lasting impression on your scrapbook.

Having a frame injects a host of aesthetic qualities into your scrapbook. Not only does a photo frame limit the viewer’s focus, but it is also a great way to add some repetitions of motif or color, enhancing the elements in your scrapbook.

Moreover, having a frame with some depth brings yet another surprising benefit to your scrapbook. A frame with considerable depth often creates a 3-D illusion. Lastly, having a good frame also lets you remove the photo from its immediate environment in both time and space.

Scrapbooking Breast Enhancement Experiences

Scrapbooking is a popular pastime today. There is everything to like about it. It helps you tap into your creative energies and recreate and preserve special memories.

It remains apparent that most scrapbooking enthusiasts are women. And there are many reasons why it has remained a much-loved hobby for generations, most of which revolve around its ability to rekindle special memories and bring people together.

Like photo albums, scrapbooks let you gather some special memories to easily share with loved ones in the future. What’s more? A scrapbook is made to hold all manner of memorabilia, including photos, bus tickets, letters, and much more.

Scrapbooking Your Breast Enhancement Journey

Do you intend to enhance your breasts and fancy scrapbooking? If yes, you should undoubtedly consider recording the details of this particular procedure in a scrapbook. For instance, you might want to showcase some of your experience with Motiva breast implants, before-and-after photos, and anything else that can help you relive this life-changing procedure.

As you go about scrapbooking your journey with Motiva breast implants, you might explore the possibility of getting a different perspective to augment your creativity. Getting inspiration from multiple sources can help transform your good idea into something unique that everyone will love.

Overall, scrapbooking your breast enhancement journey can be fun. But this undoubtedly does not mean that you have to go overboard; you can consistently achieve your objectives by embracing simplicity. For starters, you only need to settle on a subtle theme and colour scheme and get creative.

Top Tips For Improving Your Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is a fun way of passing time creatively. Whether you’re doing your scrapbooking as a hobby, or a bit more professionally for work, you’ll be wanting to find out some ways of improving your craft. Here are some top tips for how you can improve your scrapbooking.


Experimenting with new things can be challenging and daunting, as we never truly know how it’s going to work out. As a creative scrapbooker however, you should never shy away from a good challenge. Experiment with your work and you may just find your new favorite technique or style. Ways of experimenting with your scrapbooking could include the materials you use, the color palette, even the overall theme of the scrapbook. However much you may want to stick to your usual style, experimenting with new things can be the most effective way of improving your scrapbooking and can help you to be even more creative when you’re partaking in this hobby.


Any artist or creative person who’s been doing their craft for a while will tell you this, but comfort can be key. We work at our best when comfortable, and scrapbooking is no exception to this rule. When you’re settling down for some relaxing arts and crafts, the last thing you want to worry about is how uncomfortable your clothes are – and the additional stress of this could have a negative impact on your scrapbook work. Aim’n provides comfortable leggings to buy that are simply perfect for scrapbookers and other types of artist. High quality leggings can be a good way of remaining comfortable and relaxed whilst being crafty, thus helping you to stay in the zone and helping your mind to be creative. Comfortable clothing such as leggings can also prevent injury when in awkward positions, such as bending over to get some materials or if you’re foraging for something in nature to include in your scrapbook.

Different Perspectives

Whilst your creativity is your own and you’ll express yourself in a way that’s individual to you, it can never hurt to seek outside advice. Getting a different perspective could be what helps take your scrapbook from being good to being amazing, and is even a way of experimenting with new things by getting ideas from different people you may never have thought of yourself. Scrapbooking sure is a personal affair, but that doesn’t mean that constructive feedback and differing perspectives that challenge your own view can’t be a good thing. Show your latest work to a friend or family member and ask what they truly think of it, this may just allow you to make it even better and turn your scrapbook into something that everyone will love.

Overall, scrapbooking should be fun – but that doesn’t mean you won’t want to make your creative pieces of work the best they can be. Following the tips above can help you take your scrapbook skills to the next level, whilst still allowing you to have fun in the process.

What to Wear Whilst Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking has been around for a long time. It continues to endure even as other forms of recreation have risen in popularity. There is something timeless about it. In recent years people have created innovative online versions of this classic hobby. However, other enthusiasts prefer to stick to the basics. Spending the day glueing pictures into a physical paper book can be very rewarding.

Lack Of Control

Whilst scrapbooking is certainly relaxing; it may also require a high amount of concentration. This is especially true for anyone who is creating a project with minute and delicate details. There are several factors that can cause issues. There may be noises outside, or pets and children can inadvertently damage the book. Occasionally recycled paper shortages occur. Numerous things will be out of the person’s control. However, they are still able to choose what they wear. An uncomfortable attire might end up ruining the scrapbooking experience. Therefore they should pick something that can be worn for extended periods of time.

Even though scrapbooking is not physically intensive, the person will find that women’s activewear provides a plethora of benefits. This clothing tends to be associated with gyms and joggers. It is versatile enough to appeal to fans of more leisurely pursuits. The website AIM’N has a catalogue filled with these types of items.


If someone wants a short arts and crafts exercise there are plenty of options to choose from. Scrapbooking and knitting are different because they can take a significant amount of time to complete. The person needs to be committed if they want their final product to look as good as possible. It is not uncommon for scrapbooks to take many months to complete. Women’s activewear is an appropriate form of attire for most seasons of the year. The scrapbooker will not need to worry about what to put on. They can focus that time and energy on the project instead. It is also important to note that modern fashion can be very expensive. Meanwhile, activewear is available from AIM’N at very reasonable prices. The scrapbooker can save their money so that it goes towards their art supplies.

The Best Furniture For Scrapbooking

The hobby of scrapbooking can often take up a large portion of a person’s time. This is especially true if they have multiple books dedicated to specific subjects. If the furniture that they sit on is uncomfortable it will end up affecting their fun level.

Ideally the furniture should be of a high quality so that the scrapbooker can utilise it on a long term basis. Therefore, it is a good idea to opt for well known and trusted brands such as Ikea. The website Bemz provides sofa covers for Ikea models. Their extensive catalogue will appeal to scrapbooking fans for numerous reasons.

Minimising Distractions

This activity requires a fair amount of attention. If the person makes a mistake it can ruin the entire book. In extreme cases they may have to start all over again from scratch. Therefore any distracting elements should be minimised as much as possible. That is where the Ikea sofa covers from Bemz can be particularly handy. They provide a great level of comfort for the person sitting on them. When scrapbook fans are relaxing on pleasant furnishings they can dedicate all of their attention to the task at hand.

Great Colour Choices

It is fair to say that this hobby is enjoyed by people of many different backgrounds. There are several reasons why someone might take up scrapbooking. They may want to develop their artistic skills so that they can utilise colour more effectively. Once a person has become an expert on the subject they will have a good eye for interior design. The amazing colour choices provided by Bemz will certainly be appreciated by them.

Replacement Covers

The art of scrapbooking will involve the use of numerous elements that can end up accidentally spilling onto the sofa cover. Whilst these are machine washable there is always the danger of staining. Luckily Bemz is renowned for its replacement covers. The customer may wish to order multiple ones and store them. Doing so will mean that any accidents can quickly be sorted out. Alternatively, the person could get covers in different colours. This will be appealing to scrapbook fans who enjoy changing their home décor scheme from time to time.

A Range Of Choices

Everyone will have their own unique tastes when it comes to furniture. There is a wide range of Ikea sofas to choose from. Many of these models have covers that are sold by Bemz. This will allow scrapbookers to pick one that most appeals to them.

Impressing Guests

This hobby does not necessarily have to be a solitary one. It is fairly common for people to meet up and make scrapbooks together. The host of these events will naturally want to impress guests with their choice of furniture. It is therefore important to opt for sofa covers that look and feel great. If the cover looks overly used it is a good idea to purchase a replacement.

Scrapbook Industry Demands Supplies

Documenting memories in a scrapbook requires creativity and artistic expression. By preserving and arranging family history and memorable events, individuals ensure important moments are not forgotten. It’s a popular activity. Scrapbook enthusiasts meet in online forums and offline groups to discuss best practices. Americans take more than 80 billion photos annually and the scrapbook industry is worth a whopping $2.5 billion. Using robust contract management software, major brands and industry leaders supply eager hobbyists with supplies. Here are two clauses businesses may include in scrapbook supplier agreements.


With 25 million physical and digital scrapbook hobbyists, the market is busy. Suppliers provide everything from books to crafts for more than 3,000 stores specializing in scrapbooking in the U.S. Stores may order supplies, paper crafts, and stickers, giving consumers a wide variety of choices for creating visually appealing scrapbook projects. Order agreements include the type, amount, and price for supplies ordered. Buyer and seller confirm agreement with order parameters, such as the expected date of delivery and an arbitration in case either party defaults. These contracts ensure that the buyer receives the order promptly and the supplier is paid on time.


Materials ordered for scrapbook stores must arrive in pristine condition, allowing the scrapbook store to sell the new item to customers and make a profit. Damaged goods are sent back to the supplier, but returns cost stores and customers time. If specific products are not available to meet consumer demand. Suppliers make every effort to provide high-quality supplies to customers. The contract agreement details quality expectations and remedies for default.

Scrapbook enthusiasts are generally college-educated and possess nearly $2,000 worth of supplies. Nearly 1 in every 4 homes has a scrapbook hobbyist. As the market continues to grow, suppliers are managing deliveries with cutting-edge software to ensure prompt delivery of high-quality supplies.

How to Use Plants in Your Scrapbooking

Scrapbooking is a fun and exciting way of being creative and passing the time. Scrapbooks can be used for various reasons, such as documenting chapters of your life or highlighting a historical story. The best part of creating a scrapbook is that there’s no right or wrong way to do it; it’s entirely down to you as the person making it, and many techniques are available for you to use. If you’re looking for some inspiration for your next scrapbook, then look no further than plants.

Scrapbooks About Plants

Plants come in many different shapes and sizes, which makes them an ideal subject for a scrapbook. The possibilities are endless, but a good idea for a scrapbook about plants could be to select different photos of plants you like and are intrigued by and to place them creatively. Adding different colors will help brighten things up, and information about each of the plants could make the scrapbook as educational as it is arty and fun. If you have plants in your own home that can be used for this, then apps such as Getplanta can assist with keeping them as healthy as possible, so they look amazing in the photos, while also providing some great information about your individual plants.

Using Plants Within Scrapbooks

You’ve likely seen examples of flowers being carefully pressed before being placed within scrapbooks, creatively highlighting the natural beauty that they hold. Photos aren’t the only way of showing plants in a flattering light within your scrapbook, as you could go a step further and use the plants themselves. Leaves that have fallen from plants could create exciting pieces within a scrapbook, allowing the person viewing it to experience the texture and authentic look of what is being documented. Photos are great, but actually being able to touch and smell pieces of the plants can perfectly heighten the experience of flicking through the pages of your scrapbook and can aid in learning about the specimens too. This is what’s lovely about scrapbooks; you don’t have to stick to only one method of creating artwork, and a patchwork of different styles can be used to create something unique and engaging.


When creating a scrapbook about plants, the colors that will be used is an important consideration. Tones of green and brown can be a good way of providing a natural feel to the scrapbook. However, plants come in different colors and have flowers that come in an even wider variety of shades. Because of this, a scrapbook about plants doesn’t have to be limited in terms of what tones and hues will be used throughout, and the natural colors of their blooms can create a vibrant piece. Consider what plants will feature in your scrapbook and what colors they have, as this will inform your other decisions, such as what shade of paper to use and what color the text should be. Don’t be afraid to be bold and adventurous with these choices.

Overall, creating a scrapbook about plants can be a fun way of letting your creativity flow; while also being a good way of educating others about these beautiful specimens of nature.

Why Keep a Scrapbook?

There are many reasons why someone would wish to keep a scrapbook. It could be to store precious memories of family events or a collection of your favorite photographs. Although scrapbooks can be considered to be old-style, they are a physical record of the best moments in your life or even pictures of your past. The internet is a great place to store these things. Still, if anything goes wrong, your precious memorabilia may be lost forever. Suppose you are setting up a collection of souvenirs about yourself. In that case, you will undoubtedly want to look good in any pictures taken. It is here that Verso Skincare can help you make your skin invigorated and looked after for years to come.

Why Choose Verso?

This range is exclusive to this online company and can help you retain a healthy, youthful appearance for your skin. This can enhance your looks and protect the healthiness of your skin. No matter whether you are keeping a pictorial record or visiting exotic destinations to document, you will want to look your best. You could compile a scrapbook on a yearly basis or keep numerous subject compilations to show off to your friends and family. By using Verso Skincare products, you can help to protect your skin against inclement weather conditions such as windy mountains or sun-drenched beaches.

Verso products are numbered for ease of recognition. They are suitable for all skin types from dry, to greasy, or even if you have an acne condition. An essential summer purchase is Verso Hydration Serum. There is nothing worse than sitting on a beach and taking photos for your scrapbook than having a dry sun-affected appearance. As their website says, “everyone should use at least one Vitamin A product each day.” What’s more, their products feature their own uniquely formulated Retinol 8 Vitamin A compound, which is eight times more effective than standard Vitamin A products. Sign up to their online community for regular updates and news and keep yourself up to date with the latest products.


There is no doubt that keeping a paper record of whatever your favorite subjects are is an enjoyable experience. They will provide a tangible reminder for years to come and could also become an important historical document. There is immense value to keeping a scrapbook to record your experiences. But don’t forget to retain your skin’s health and your overall looks by using Verso Skincare products. Check out their site today and get started as soon as possible!

Creating an Historical Scrapbook

Scrapbooks have been kept by various people for centuries. Everyone is familiar with the family memories or life-event collections, but how many people are aware of historical scrapbooks? Suppose you want to keep a memory of a famous happening during your life, such as royal weddings, a war, or the history of a soccer or sports club. In that case, you should consider creating your own unique record and diary of events. The best way to do this is by collecting photos and cuttings from newspapers and magazines and accounts of the event from bystanders who were there. The subjects are endless, and if you have a love of history and the past, you will no doubt enjoy the range of posters and prints offered by Desenio.

Who Are Desenio?

Desenio is an online company that specializes in selling the most incredible modern and historical themes via its unique collection of posters and wall art. For example, if you are interested in documenting space travel and astronomy, you can find prints of various planets and astronauts throughout time. Their range features planets, galaxies, astronauts, and zodiac signs perfect to accompany your space-themed scrapbook. Another example is iconic photos featuring stars past and present such as:

  • John Lennon
  • Elizabeth Taylor
  • Kurt Cobain
  • Diana Ross
  • Mick Jagger
  • Elton John

So, if your scrapbook will feature icons of the screen and stage, you have an endless choice of inspiration. With such themes as cities and maps through the ages, vintage art, fashion, and popular art, you can easily select some wall art to enhance your historical interest to include with your scrapbook. Desenio also offers handmade picture frames in a variety of colors and materials as well as wall hanging accessories, unique iPhone cases, tote bags, and gift cards.


If you are interested in history of any kind, then collecting wall art and memorabilia is the perfect way to supplement your dedicated scrapbook. Once you have chosen a theme you are interested in, you can have tremendous fun researching facts, newspaper articles, and old photos about your chosen subject. There is no doubt that Desenio is the perfect place to start and to gain inspiration. This company can even provide a structured gallery of wall art on any given theme to enhance your home decor in the events or subjects of your choice. Historical scrapbooks are a great pastime, and you can soon become immersed in the research and the thrill of finding old reminders of your favorite subject. Together with Desenio wall art, this could be the perfect combination for you.